Honey Bee Farming, Queens, & Supplies

  As we all are aware of by now, that there is a popular belief that “honey bees” in America are endangered!… Or are they? The “farmed” honey bees were never native to the Americas until the British and French settlers introduction them back in the day as a means to help boost crop production. They say the populations of one of our most important pollinator have been declining for years and nobody knows why. “Cough Cough!”. Keep in mind that the fact is, it’s Americans own beloved black n yellow “Bumblebee” whos butt are in trouble. Mass wasteful development, pesticide in farming, continue misuse of natural resources, and the refusal to recycle have all taken their toll on sustainable natural habitat. Many crops that we take for granted would be difficult or impossible to grow without “Bumblebees”.

So go ponder on that one for a while before you go clear off a wooded lot for your trailer and two junk cars!


Beginning in Spring 2020, Beebop Farm™ will be offering bonified Italian/ Carniola Queens as well as a few packaged nuke colonies. Want want to keep supplies small and in good controlled standards. We aim for quality, not quantity.  Small private bee farming, gardening, and manufacturing classes will also be available for reservation through Airbnb experiences.

Don’t forget that individuals experiencing joint and nerve pain can join us for Apitherapy Sessions.

Want to be in the Now NOW.!? Benefit by updating that grassy front, back, or side yard into a fully functional Smart Yard designed custom by BRICK CSLT LLC. We provide an easy way to landscape, terraform, and improve the land around what you call home into a self-sustaining, no mess, guaranteed money maker. No more mowing, no more chemicals, no more worries! Better yet, creating a smart yard environment is an easy way to help the bumble & honey bee thrive and become more productive while beautifying your home and raising the value. One doesn’t necessarily have to “work the bees” in order to enjoy the benefits produced from their efforts. Simply just having a box of bees placed in your smart yard property layout will provide enough benefits for years to come.

If the image of the beekeeper working in a one-piece protective suit turns you off, that’s just fine. No problem. Check in at Beebop Farm™  to see what selection of gear is available to make your bee farming experience an enjoyable one.


Making a home for Italian, Mason, & Carniolan bees is a bit like putting up a birdhouse. You don’t need special equipment or crazy protective gear, and you can mostly ignore it during most of the year. If you’re not one to make a living by harvesting the honey, it’s not pointless to have a healthy hive nearby. The busy bees will keep your landscaping tree, shrubs, and flowers in constants coloration all year long!

Though, Italian, Mason, or Carniolan honey bees can do the work 100 times faster and more focused than standard Bumblebees. Raising farmed bees may take some pressure off the local BumbleBee population and helps to keep a variety of other pollinators healthy and bountiful.

In the meantime. Looking for bees? Check out FIND A LOCAL BEEKEEPER DIRECTORY from

Take some time to read up on some publication from yesteryear to today at The American Bee Journal which was established in 1861 by Samuel Wagner and has been published continuously since that time:

American Bee Journal


Last but not least, if you’re in the area of Luray, SC. Find time to stop by and have a chat with us at about our ongoing projects at

Shop B.H.Art  & make reservations @ BEEBOP FARM™ & BEEBOP™ SAILS.






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