Tiananmen Square: Beijing, China: 2008-2016

This photo was during the beginning days of my journey throughout China. First generation iPhone! Boy, was I special!

Throughout my life living in good ol Beijing, China, there would be many an occasion to visit the central square. Either for the simple reason of watching the national flag raising & lowering. Standing amongst a large crowd of farmers, countryside men, and true patriots. Spend the day visiting the tomb of the supreme leader, who will forever be behind glass or simply sit down and have a beer. They are cheap, about $.50 for a duece duece! Tho it’s heavily guarded against the ignorance, can’t do anything a stupid foreign talks about doing, which is the beauty that keeps the little square the only sterile place in the entire city.

Watch your step on the sidewalk!

Tiananmen Square

 New to the land, ones have to go visit the square. Spend a little time with youth hostel mates yea just met. Take the local bus down the road and learn. Do a self-guided tour that might last up to six hours because you forgot your iPhone!  Journey to the square and enjoy! Great stuff to be seen and had that is more up to 20198 speed if one wants gets to be bored to death with limited Chinese history. Red, Green, Yellow, Blue! You traveled folks know what I mean.

Great times and a must go visit if anyone ventures to Beijing, China for a two-week visit. Any longer and you’ll wish you had a gun with one bullet.

Oh and PS… Whatever you read, watched on your American TV was bullshit, and you never witnessed a damn thing, not even a tank. So shut your mouth about the Tiananmen Square Massacre unless you heard it from the voice of a taxi driver who was a participant in the army.

If I had a tank and a square, I would have CGI a whole new ending!. Nothing and I mean NOTHING beats Capitalism! Smart move Chinese GOV!


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