Mars Bluff Nuke Bomb Site, Mars Bluff SC: 11/27/2016


Many of you may not know this, for it’s possible this day & time to form all kinds of conspiracy against one another.!




But back in the day in 1958 when America was trying to instigate Russia into a nuclear war.


flew a B-47 out of Savannah, GA on a Snow Ball mission and there was a fuck up which resulted in a  dropped of a 7600lb nuke bomb in the woods of South Carolina that they reported in the newspaper as an ‘Accident’ of the pilot. They quickly paid off the crew and those few that were injured and swept everything else under the rug keeping it kinda hush hush.

I like that in a Government. That get-her-done kind of attitude.

I just had to go here and have a look to wonder how my tiny little world would have been different if this shit exploded! My tiny nobody family, living their tiny nothing life, with a tiny big-eyed dog. Woulder what would have been…..????

Had that bomb actually donated to its potential, probably would have saved the East coast from 2016.

‘Fortunately, the bomb’s nuclear core was stored elsewhere on the aircraft.’

 Interesting to think about big bombs, what good are they and how it will forever be apart of humanity. So take the time to go visit this place and if you can buy a giant bomb along the way! Do so.

I want one!  Turn it into a flower pot!


I won’t go much into the details cause Wiki (I donated 20 bucks today) lays out the detailed information about the incident so read up about it.

1958 Mars Bluff B-47 nuclear weapon loss incidentfullsizeoutput_1057 My bro into the picture just to size up that hole in the ground. It’s mass even to this day.



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